Decisions Alternative 2024: HighGear vs. Decisions Comparison

What if creating custom workflow applications didn’t require coding expertise or overreliance on developers? Leading no-code platforms like HighGear and Decisions have made this possible. With no code, anyone in an organization can build workflows, digitize processes,...

What Is Operational Excellence and How to Achieve It?

What does it mean to achieve excellence in business? The idea has been around for decades and some might attribute it to Dr. Joseph Juran who taught Japanese business leaders how to improve quality to expand their growth and revenue around the globe.. According to the...

What Is the ROI of the Digital Revolution?

Today, technology is everywhere. We are constantly influenced by the technological advancements of the past decades, even if we aren’t thinking about it. Checking the weather on a smartphone or smartwatch, electric cars, and even scrolling through Facebook and...
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